Our annual MHPA conference was held at Edgewater Resort in Duluth last weekend. Thanks to Dan Whitney, our Vice President, for organizing the event!
Temperatures were unusually warm and humid for Duluth, right next to Lake Superior, but a slight cool down the evening of our awards ceremony and dinner cruise on Lake Superior added to the enjoyment.
As usual, the University of Minnesota represented by Dr. Marla Spivak and Dr. Vera Krischik and their graduate students, shared an abundance of information on their honey bee research and the new programs being offered.
Other speakers included Mike Albers and Greg Hoch from the MN DNR, Dean Peterson from the ARS lab, Kristy Allen from The Beez Kneez delivery dotcom, Cathy Rufer regarding our education programs, Linda Newman, the manager of the MHPA State Fair Booth and David Schaaf, the new superintendent of the Bee and Honey Exhibit at the State Fair.
We are very appreciative of all of our speakers. Thank you for your time, efforts and support in our common goals.
Thanks to Cathy Rufer and her promotions team, we have a pollinator toolbox coming out soon that will help aid in the education of the public.
Our annual fundraiser, the MHPA State Fair Booth, is coming up soon and, manager, Linda Newman invited everyone to participate, whether it be by volunteering at the stand or providing honey to sell on consignment in the booth. Thanks to Linda for her continued efforts, raising funds for our organization.
Our "Beekeeper of the Year" Award was given to the most deserving, Roger Olson who was surprised when his entire family joined us on the dinner cruise to show their support. Congratulations Roger!
The Minnesota Honey Queen (MHQ) is the chief promoter of honey products and the
beekeeping industry in Minnesota.Our new Honey Queen was crowned during our conference. Information on the articulate and talented person that received this honor to come.
Special Thanks to Mann Lake LTD, Golden Heritage Foods, Sioux Honey
Association and Dan's Honey Co. for helping sponsor this